16 personality types

This free personality test will tell you who you really are. Discover the 16 personality types created by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, find out what your personality type is and find your strengths.

Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers have compiled a personality typology to help people discover their strengths and better understand what makes them different. When you figure out your personality type, you can better understand why you do what you do. You will gain confidence in your own strengths and be better able to make decisions that match your true nature.


Meaning of individual letters:

  • I – Introversion
  • E – Extraversion
  • S – Sensing
  • N – iNtuition
  • T – Thinking
  • F – Feeling
  • J – Judging
  • P – Perceiving

INSTRUCTIONS: There are no right answers to any of these questions. Answer the questions quickly, do not over-analyze them. Some seem worded poorly. Go with what feels best. Answer the questions as “the way you are”, not “the way you’d like to be seen by others”.

1 At a party do you:

2 Are you more:

3 Is it worse to:

4 Are you more impressed by:

5 Are more drawn toward the:

6 Do you prefer to work:

7 Do you tend to choose

8 At parties do you:

9 Are you more attracted to:

10 Are you more interested in:

11 In judging others are you more swayed by:

12 In approaching others is your inclination to be somewhat:

13 Are you more:

14 Does it bother you more having things:

15 In your social groups do you:

16 In doing ordinary things are you more likely to:

17 Writers should:

18 Which appeals to you more:

19 Are you more comfortable in making:

20 Do you want things:

21 Would you say you are more:

22 In phoning do you:

23 Facts:

24 Are visionaries:

25 Are you more often:

26 Is it worse to be:

27 Should one usually let events occur:

28 Do you feel better about:

29 In company do you:

30 Common sense is:

31 Children often do not:

32 In making decisions do you feel more comfortable with:

33 Are you more:

34 Which is more admirable:

35 Do you put more value on:

36 Does new and non-routine interaction with others:

37 Are you more frequently:

38 Are you more likely to:

39 Which is more satisfying:

40 Which rules you more:

41 Are you more comfortable with work that is:

42 Do you tend to look for:

43 Do you prefer:

44 Do you go more by:

45 Are you more interested in:

46 Which is more of a compliment:

47 Do you value in yourself more that you are:

48 Do you more often prefer the

49 Are you more comfortable:

50 Do you:

51 Are you more likely to trust your:

52 Do you feel:

53 Which person is more to be complimented – one of:

54 Are you inclined more to be:

55 Is it preferable mostly to:

56 In relationships should most things be:

57 When the phone rings do you:

58 Do you prize more in yourself:

59 Are you drawn more to:

60 Which seems the greater error:

61 Do you see yourself as basically:

62 Which situation appeals to you more:

63 Are you a person that is more:

64 Are you more inclined to be:

65 In writings do you prefer:

66 Is it harder for you to:

67 Which do you wish more for yourself:

68 Which is the greater fault:

69 Do you prefer the:

70 Do you tend to be more: